Teacher Next Door Blog

Made My Dream a Reality!

"Mr. Ward is the best you can find out there when it comes to buying a house. He breaks down the process to you from beginning to end. He ensures you are getting the best and only the best. He is kind hearted, patient, polite, attentive, competent, enthusiastic, easy going and I could go on and on, Mr. Ward made my dream a reality. James Ward is the man you want to help you along the way.  My son loves his new home all thanks to the Teacher Next Door program and Mr. Ward and his team.  Thank you!"
Melissa and Brayden Hutchinson
Cape Code, MA


Read hundreds of new Teacher Next Door Program certified buyer reviews at https://www.teachernextdoor.us/Reviews or REVIEWS

Posted by Teacher Staff on October 31st, 2019 3:49 PM

Wonderful Program!

"Teacher Next Door is a wonderful program! I am so glad I heard about this program, was able to get the information I needed to apply.  Mike Jones was my cheerleader, go-to-for-answers guy, very supportive, and extremely patient with my seemingly endless barrage of questions. Cheri McLean was the best Realtor anyone could have! She was available for showings, questions, and a warm smile and friendly support in my search for a home. The entire team was helpful and willing to explain each process. I am so grateful for all they do! Thank you for helping me!"

Wanda Miller
Lakeland, FL

Posted by Teacher Staff on March 28th, 2019 4:58 PM


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